Product unavailable
Unfortunately your product is no longer available. We invite you to come back later.

Estimate request


Please indicate your device model below. We will get back to you with a personalized buyback offer.


Working condition

Is your phone in working state ?

Need help ?

Your product is considered as out of service if :

  • It doesn't switch on, even when connected to power,
  • One of the main uses is not perfectly working : internet, GPS, network,...
  • It was damaged by a liquid (water, coffee…), has stains from oxidization or rust

Estimation is only possible for a non-trafficked, and whole device.

Screen state

Need help ?

To better asses the state of your device’s screen, we advise you to clean it and look at it from all angles :

  • Screen off : See if there is any scratch (of all sizes) or dust and air bubble under the glass.
  • Screen on : Turn the brightness on the maximum level and look at the contour (see if there’s any yellow-ish greying), and then the whole screen (white stain, dead pixels, tint problems).

Contours and back state

Need help ?

To better asses the state of your device’s back, we advise you to take off any protection screen or phone case and to clean it.

It will help you to see all the potential marks, from the micro-scratch to the impact!

Please note, it is possible for you screen to be twisted, so be sure to check your device’s curve 😉

Warning !

It is mandatory to log out of your iCloud / Google account before sending us your device.

Last straight line for sale!
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The data collected by this form is intended for the exclusive use of aSmartWorld. This collection is carried out as part of a contact request. For more information you can consult our General Sales Conditions